
The A’s to Your Q’s About The Legalzine

October 15, 2024

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CEO-level protection that legally covers your ass(ets)

After hearing about The Legalzine, I know what you might be thinking…

“Amber, everyone claims that their offer is going to change my life and business. How do I know that THIS actually will?!

And I’m glad you bring this up, because trust me – I get it!

As an online business owner, it’s true. There are TONS of offers out there that claim to be THE thing that will absolutely change the game for you and your business. 

And if you’re like me, you’ve probably fallen for it one too many times, hence why you’re now skeptical. 

You’ve joined the membership, bought the course, downloaded the resources, maybe even signed up to be coached or mentored and there’s a chance you found that the thing wasn’t all it was cracked up to be.

Maybe you didn’t receive the benefits that were promised, the offer wasn’t designed in a way for you to really learn or implement things well, or maybe the support was just nonexistent. 

So, I want to help ease some of your concern, and most importantly, help you determine IF The Legalzine really is right for you.

Because it would be silly of me to say that it’s for everyone – that type of blanket statement is NOT helpful, so let’s get into it!

Answering Your Questions About The Legalzine

➡️What exactly is The Legalzine and how does it work?

The Legalzine is a monthly digital magazine designed to make legal compliance accessible, actionable, and (yes, really) fun for online entrepreneurs, coaches, and creative business owners.

It’s membership style legal education, PLUS training videos, PLUS templates, PLUS swipe copy, PLUS all the legal strategies you need to actually keep your business protected and set you up to scale safely!

For a closer look at the breakdown of The Legalzine and how it works, CLICK HERE!

➡️Who is The Legalzine really for?

As I mentioned earlier, simply saying that The Legalzine is for everyone would not be helpful! It’s very rare that an offer is truly designed to benefit every single person that stumbles upon it. 

So with that in mind, The Legalzine is specifically created for online entrepreneurs, coaches, and creative business owners who take business seriously and you have a real desire to do it ethically. 

People like you give me SO much hope for the future of business and you’re exactly the type of person that I want to see subscribed to The Legalzine!

➡️How often will new issues be released?

Now for some logistics! Once you subscribe, you’ll receive a new issue straight to your email on the 5th of every month. 

New issues are delivered automatically, so all you have to do is sit back and wait for a virtual knock on your door to let you know that new legal goodness has arrived. 

➡️How is the information delivered?

One thing that I’m not a huge fan of in the online business world is that most people only offer one way to learn from them. And oftentimes it’s through video content.

But as a business owner (myself included!), you might not always have the time to sit down and watch hours worth of video content. 

Not to mention, not everyone has the same learning style – some people love to watch, while others love to read. Some people need extra support, while others are masters at DIY!

That’s why I created The Legalzine to cater to all learning styles. With every issue, you receive:

  • A comprehensive article breaking down that month’s topic
  • Premium templates, checklists, and/or swipe copy you can use immediately
  • The Mini-Course – a video training + written summary on a key aspect of the topic
  • Interactive quizzes to build and test your knowledge and challenges to help you implement
  • Legal Horoscopes tailored compliance tips for various niches 
  • Expert insights shared by featured guests who are industry leaders in their niche
  • A roundup of curated resources and tools to support your legal journey

➡️How in-depth are the articles? Are they beginner-friendly or more advanced?

You’re not a lawyer, and this isn’t law school, which is why the trainings and content included in The Legalzine are meant for entrepreneurs like you, NOT my fellow lawyers.

My promise to you is that all of the content that you receive will not be filled with legal jargon making you more confused than you were before. 

Instead, it’s all designed to be easily digestible AND easy to implement so that you’re readily equipped to issue-spot and identify those tricky legal issues in a business, whether you’ve been in biz for 2 months or 2 years.

➡️Can I submit questions or topics I’d like to see covered?

DUH! The Legalzine is way more for YOU than it is for me and I want to make sure that I’m providing information and education on things that you actually care about and need. 

It’s for that reason that there’s an “Ask Amber” section in each issue, where you can submit questions and topics for future issues, so I can make sure to cover what you want to learn.

➡️Is the magazine available in digital format only, or can I get a physical copy? 

Right now, only the digital version is currently available. I’d LOVE to offer a physical one in the future, but right now, I’m taking the save-the-trees-and-my-time route.

➡️What’s your refund / cancellation policy?

You will be automatically notified of your subscription renewals before each period and you can cancel your subscription at any time.

Due to the nature of the digital product, there are no refunds with any tier!

➡️Are there options for businesses in different countries or legal systems? 

I wish I could help all of my friends abroad, but unfortunately the law isn’t the same across country lines. The Legalzine is for US based businesses or foreign businesses targeting US customers only. 

Subscribe to The Legalzine For As Little As $40/month

Understanding legal stuff no longer has to be scary! It can be easy AND fun when you subscribe to The Legalzine.

And the best part is that you don’t have to commit to some hefty retainer fee to get the information, education, or support you need. 


For as little as $40/month you can get everything you need in one place. (Quarterly and yearly subscriptions available as well!)

Ready to add The Legalzine to your CEO toolkit so you can confidently protect your business? CLICK HERE to choose the option that works best for you! 🎉

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