You've found where we hide all the good stuff! This is where TBL's free resources live with some must-have tools that helped take us from humble beginnings (think zero sales for the first 3 months) to consistent 6-figure years. We are throwing open the doors, and spilling the tea, on what works and what doesn't when it comes to legal protection, systems and sales.  

Let's get to it...

My Fave Passive income tools

Meet Amber Gilormo

And no, not alien green, but really believes in making cleaner more natural choices as an informed consumer and who has spent the last decade litigating catastrophic injury cases (hello cancer) and wrongful death claims against companies like Johnson & Johnson, RoundUp, and other household brands due to the dangerous substances they put in our products. 

These aren't just silly little personal injury claims, these are serious, wide-spread aka class action cases that have resulted due to people consuming what was advertised as a totally safe product. 

Now, I've made it my mission to do 2 things differently in life. First, as a lawyer, educate business owners on how to market and advertise their products ethically while building trust and sales. Second, as a woman, wife and mom to small army, we are making clearner choices in our everyday products to support those companies who go the extra mile and make safer alternatives for us.

Founder of The Boutique Lawyer

one thing about me...


My Favorite Things

Sunshine. Wayfarers kickstarter semiotics, quinoa godard dreamcatcher hexagon pop-up hoodie.

my guilty pleasure

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Ice cream. Microdosing gochujang keffiyeh salvia. Hoodie knausgaard art party.

Photos! Hashtag fashion axe palo santo fanny pack, ramps cornhole messenger bag asymmetrical direct trade slow-carb everyday carry chartreuse tofu godard.

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