Online marketing legal policies checklist

Marketing your business online is an exciting adventure, but it's also one that comes with your fair share of legal responsibilities.

To keep your operations running smoothly and protect yourself legally, it's essential to have a solid set of legal policies in place. Not only do having clear legal policies in place help build consumer confidence in your brand, if you’re running any kind of ads, tracking visitor through cookies, or even just collecting email addresses – those legal policies are actually *required*.

TBL's Online Marketing Legal Policies Checklist shares the essential legal policies every business marketing themselves online should consider integrating into their websites and landing pages to protect against things like lawsuits, bad reviews, and even unnecessary refund requests.


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As a lawyer and an e-commerce business owner, legally legit sales funnels are kinda my thing.  I've taken everything I've learned building my own funnels & now I'm teaching it to you!

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