
The 411 On The Legalzine: What It Is, Who It’s For, and What You Can Expect

October 8, 2024

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CEO-level protection that legally covers your ass(ets)

Not to toot my horn, but I think I girl bossed a little too close to the sun and created one of the coolest offers… dare I say EVER?!

It’s definitely the coolest offer that *I’ve* ever launched to date, but I’m not just excited about it because it’s “cool.”

I’m excited about it because in my humble opinion, it’s disrupting the learning space for online business owners in a way that’s ACTUALLY helpful!

It’s called The Legalzine – a monthly digital magazine designed to make legal compliance accessible, actionable, and (yes, really) fun.

Before I get into the 411 on The Legalzine though, I want to give some backstory about how this whole thing came about!

As a business owner, you have to wear a lottttt of hats. And whether you like it or not, one of those hats involves legal things. And honestly just saying that out loud can sound kind of scary.

Like YOU, the cute girlie who simply wants to write website copy for a living or design aesthetic brands (or insert literally any other online service provider industry), also has to be in the know with the LAW?!

Pardon me?! Unfortunately yes, bestie. It’s true. 

The good news is that you’re not the only one wondering whether or not you’re “missing something” when it comes to the legal side of running your business and you’re definitely not the only one secretly freaking out that you’ve somehow forgotten about some super important definitely-gonna-get-in-trouble-for-not-doing thing. 

You don’t know what you don’t know and with hundreds of other CEO-related things to spend your brain power on, trying to sleuth through the Internet to understand what you could potentially be missing feels like way too much work.

Which is why I decided to do something about it! Because you really don’t need that extra layer of stress in your life. Running a business alone is hard enough. 

So, instead, I want to help you swap your confusion for your confidence, the second you start reading the digital ‘zine that’ll make it a million times easier to keep your business in check.

I flipped the traditional legal education membership upside down (I know what it’s all about, bc I had one of those too) and I created something I WISH was used more often to teach high-level concepts: an education resource that’s dynamic, FUN, and just flat out delivers.

So now that you know how we got here, let’s dive into all of the details!

What is The Legalzine?

The Legalzine is a monthly digital magazine designed to make legal compliance accessible, actionable, and (yes, really) fun for online entrepreneurs, coaches, and creative business owners.

It’s not just a magazine though…

It’s membership style legal education, PLUS training videos, PLUS templates, PLUS swipe copy, PLUS all the legal strategies you need to actually keep your business protected and set you up to scale safely!

The Legalzine is your monthly dose of legal know-how that matters to your business, broken down into bite-sized pieces you can actually use. No more 2 AM panic googling sessions! (and everyone business owner said AMEN! 🙏🏼)

The best part though? The format of The Legalzine is giving more Teen Vogue than dusty law book. Because I’m a lawyer that believes legal things CAN actually feel fun!

Soooo, how does The Legalzine work exactly?

Glad you asked! I’ve designed The Legalzine to be as simple as possible:

On the 5th of every month, you’ll receive a new issue focused on one specific legal topic crucial for online businesses.

Here’s a preview at the topics that will be covered in the coming months:

  • FTC-compliant marketing (October Issue)
  • Intellectual property protection
  • Contract essentials
  • Privacy policies and data protection
  • Digital Product protection and licenses
  • And much more!

What’s inside each issue?

But like I said above, The Legalzine is much more than just stuffy legal information!

While you’ll of course receive the information you need to actually implement in your business, there’s also some fun stuff included each month, along with MULTIPLE ways to consume the information.

One thing that I’m not a huge fan of in the online business world is that most people only offer one way to learn from them. And oftentimes it’s through video content.

But if I’m being so for real, as a Business and Trademark Attorney, Serial Founder, and mom of 4, sometimes I just don’t have an extra hour in the day to sit down and watch a video. 

And after doing some research, I discovered that a lot of entrepreneurs feel the same way. A lot of us don’t have time to participate in the traditional learning styles that are offered, PLUS if you throw in a good dose of ADHD in there (which 29% of entrepreneurs are reported to have), it just doesn’t work. 

Which is why I knew The Legalzine would be different. 

Prior to launching this, I had a more traditional style membership offer and I literally shut! it! down! For this very reason. 

So, here’s what you can expect in every issue of The Legalzine:

  1. A comprehensive article breaking down that month’s topic
  2. Premium templates, checklists, and/or swipe copy you can use immediately (when I say immediate action, I really do mean it!)
  3. The Mini-Course – a video training + written summary on a key aspect of the topic
  4. Interactive quizzes to build and test your knowledge and challenges to help you implement (I know I can’t be the only one who loved magazine quizzes as a teen?!)
  5. Legal Horoscopes tailored compliance tips for various niches (because again, we’re having FUN!)
  6. Expert insights shared by featured guests who are industry leaders in their niche
  7. A roundup of curated resources and tools to support your legal journey

and much more!

I want in! How can I join?

I knew I liked you! And I can’t wait to digitally deliver The Legalzine to you. 🎉

Here are your options:

  • Monthly Subscription ($45/month)
  • Quarterly Subscription ($37/month + 1 month free!)
  • Yearly Subscription ($34/month + 2 months free!)

CLICK HERE to choose the option that works best for you!

You deserve to confidently run a stable, comfortable, scalable business without potential legal fires in the background threatening to burn it all down!

With The Legalzine, you can gain that legal confidence AND have actual support along the way (without having to dish out a retainer fee).

With just as little as $40/month, you can trust that the legal side of your business is taken care of!
Here’s to taking the scare out of the legal stuff. Let’s do this, bestie. 🎉

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